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By Chuck Magee
When you have Alabama land for sale and you really want or need to move your land it is important to have a good aggressive Real Estate Broker working for you. Here are some ways to know which Real Estate Broker is and which ones are not likely to produce results for you.
If you have made the decision to sell your Alabama land and I know in some cases this is a very tough decision to make you don’t want to make the sales process long and drown out. How can you increase your odds of not just a quicker sale of your land but a smother sale? One way is a qualified Real Estate Broker and there are many ways to increase the odds of listing your Alabama land with a good Realtor and not a lazy one. If its land you have for sale one of the first things I would look for is affiliations and qualifications, and in land that means the Realtor Land Institute. Real Estate Brokers that are members of the Realtors Land Institute are more likely to have connections to other Realtors in the land business and also back end financing for the buyer which is vital to close on the land deal. Another thing to look for would be if the Broker is designated as an ALC (Accredited Land Consultant), this means they have sold millions of dollars worth of land and have had extensive classes on land sales. The ALC designation is just one more way you can tell that a Real Estate Broker cares about what he or she is doing and has been well trained in techniques and also has an extensive network behind them for more exposure of your Alabama land for sale.
One more way to be more sure of your Realtor selection is to put them through a short interview, ask questions like how long have you been selling land in Alabama and in particular the County your land is in. How much land have they sold in the area acreage and dollar amount, this is important because just listing land does you no good you need a proven closer and believe me there is difference. You will need to ask them about their affiliations and designations, have them tell you about them and why they will benefit you as a seller, this is just one more way to hear them talk about their business and you can tell how enthusiastic they are about their job. Where do they advertise their listings, this is an important question, I see so many Realtor that have their head berried in the sand thinking just listing land will get the job done this is a fantasy that has sunk many a Realtor. You want a Land Broker that advertises extensively on the internet and mixes a little news paper in with it but also does a good job of networking.
Listing your Alabama land for sale is a critical part of getting your property sold, make sure you have found a good Realtor and if this process takes a little time be patient it will pay off in the end with less chance of a frustrating land transaction.
About the Author: In 2000 Chuck and his wife Lindey developed a website called Mississippi-Landsource.com. The website was launched for uniting the real estate market in Land For Sale In texas. In 2009 more sites were launched as sister sites for other states like Land For Sale In Louisiana and Land For Sale In Alabama
Source: isnare.com
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