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By Krista Mayne
When the phone rings at five o’clock in the morning it’s usually a bad sign. I answered the phone to find out my mother was in the hospital and I needed to take an emergency trip out of state. I scrambled to make arrangements for my older children while I would be gone. Then I hurriedly packed my suitcase with a few items of clothing for my baby and myself and drove 7 hours to get to the hospital.
What I thought would only be a few days visit, ended up being much longer. Guess what? I did not bring enough clothes and the clothes I brought were pretty strange looking. As a 6’1″ tall woman, I prefer to shop online as I can find exactly what I need easily and hassle-free. In my desperation I ventured into the mall to find a few shirts. Luckily I had actually brought some decent tall pants, but I needed a few tops. Here is how I survived shopping in a mall where women’s tall sizes are extinct.
I ventured into a department store and immediately tried to find a tall salesperson to assist me in finding some clothing as I figured they would understand how best to help me find clothing that fits my tall stature. To my dismay I could not find anyone tall working there. I quickly scanned the area for the sharpest dressed saleswoman. Yes, I was judmental, but I wanted to find someone that was up on the current trends. I finally found one that was extremely helpful.
I explained to her that I needed some tops in longer lengths. She found some great options for me and I even ended up with a few 3/4th sleeves jackets that were really cute over my longer tunics and shirts. As this store did not have tall sizes it took quite a bit of searching to find what I was looking for. Had I not been aided by a friendly salesperson that was familiar with the store, it would have been a nightmare.
I made sure I had an open mind, as some of the items suggested did not look too great on the hanger, but I loved them once I tried them on. I was also able to educate the woman as to what looks great on tall women as she kept handing me small printed shirts and I was able to explain that tall women need to keep everything in proportion to their size- meaning bigger patterns and stripes etc. I tried on many clothing items as I didn’t want to waste my money on things that didn’t fit my tall body and that I would never wear again. I ended up getting some great taller length clothing items. I was pleasantly surprised that what could have been a shopping fiasco turned into a fun experience.
Although I still prefer to buy tall sizes and I have my favorite tall stores to shop in, thanks to the help of a great saleswoman, I was able to survive my shopping trip to the mall.
About the Author: Visit Tall Clothing Mall at
– a great resource for tall men and tall women looking for tall clothing, plus size clothing, big and tall clothing, tall maternity, and large size shoes. This website was created by Krista Mayne, after she became frustrated by the amount of time she spent trying to find tall clothing.
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